2 years ago

This is a wild story. At one point in my life I decided to do a 40-day road trip all the way across Canada and instead of stopping at expensive hotels and luxurious accommodations I decided it would be more cost-effective to sleep in my tent in the forest and find random places on the street to sleep. At one point I found a hippie commune in Tofino BC. At the commune there was an odd character that stood out like a sore thumb. I asked the young man if he was willing to jump off of one of the dangerously high tree forts that one of the other hippies were living in. Without hesitation, he hurled himself off the tree fort without regard for his own well-being. This guy's a keeper, I thought to myself.

Shortly thereafter, despite everyone's strong advice that was opposed to this, we decided to go surfing for the first time in our entire lives on the most dangerously windy and stormy day in the Canadian hub for surfing in... Tofino, BC. We ignored all warnings and we naively went out only to find ourselves in a complete and utter nightmare. The waves were about 10 ft high and slapping down with the sound of a loud gun shot, they were intense, Red Bull helicopters were out filming Red Bull athletes because the waves were so insane. we ignored all red flags and we decided to pursue our newfound hobby. We weren't even 5 minutes in when the young man was consumed by a Riptide and pulled right into the middle of the ocean. I tried to swim as hard as possible to him but he was getting flipped and turned and yanked in every direction and even I became in danger. He was screaming at the top of his lungs. I desperately yelled to the surfers, but even they knew that when the waves take over, there's nothing you can do. I decided to start swimming back to shore so I can run down the peninsula and potentially see if I could save him at the end of the peninsula. The peninsula was a long one so there was definitely a chance that he might get washed into it. I myself was in a panic. "Will I make it out?" I thought. The waves were just smashing me into every direction, I held very tightly to the board. I did manage to get back as I'm quite an athletic person and avid swimmer. I got back to shore and I ran down the peninsula only to find him RIGHT AT THE END OF IT half unconscious, I dragged him up to the rocks and I started assessing him. He woke up and I asked him, "Hey that was the most horrifying thing in the world, you almost died that was intense, what are your thoughts?" and he told me he wasn't even afraid, he was ready to die. That's when it became apparent that this guy was intense and fearless of death. I decided to let him join me on my adventure and I shuttled him from Vancouver Island to Vancouver mainland.

Before the ride began he bought 10 G of mushrooms from the local hippie commune. he asked me how much I should take and based off personal experience I kept recommending around 3 g. He took 3 grams and he waited 10 minutes, nothing happened. His grandpa texted him with messages of encouragement, telling him to take more. I told him he needed to wait longer but he had no regard toward my advice and he took 3 more grams. Still, the effects were nowhere to be found so he took 4 more at which I started to warn him. I warned him that he might have taken too much and might fall into a deep psychedelic episode and lose all control. I couldn't believe my mind. I just watched a hitchhiker who has no regard for his own life take 10 G of mushrooms. The first thing that unfolded is... we stopped at a gas station at which he took off his shirt and put it on his head as a turban and started walking around the gas station. Apparently this is normal behavior for him, as he's from a Persian heritage. The kid started walking around saying that he thought he was in the desert, and I started to get seriously concerned. So I instantly called the head honcho of the hippie commune who supplied the mushrooms. The head honcho told me to make sure that he completely abstained from any stimulants such as sugar or caffeine. As he said that, I looked to my left only to find him at the cash register and there he is in the midst of purchasing a 2 L bottle of chocolate milk and a giant can of Monster Energy drink. He drank it hurriedly despite my efforts to stop him and said he wanted to chase after goats but before he left I said, "wait wait wait wait wait," and he replied, "what's the matter?". I put the GoPro on his head and then a patted him on the back. "Now go chase the goats." In the video you can see exactly what he got up to. he connected with the goats.

Once we arrived to the ferry things started to get a lot messier, he exited the vehicle because he needed to take a piss and he started urinating in public in front of children who were in the line up playing basketball. His penis was completely exposed in front of parents and in front of innocent families. It was an absolute horrendous site. I directed him toward the public washroom but for whatever reason instead of going inside it, in his psychedelic trance, he decided to start shitting in the back of the building where there was clearly a "no dog" or "no pet" sign. He told me not to record him but the opportunity was as clear as day, I couldn't resist. "Once you finish this shit," I told him, "you need to go into the actual washroom and to start peeing and defecating in there." I escorted him into the washroom at which he started peeing in the urinal but he was acting strange and staring at other people's penises and putting his head very close so he could really examine their penises closely. One thing led to the next and I convinced him to just go into the stall and do his own thing on his own. Here's the issue, he had no concept of reality, he didn't know where he was, he didn't even have the capacity to pull his pants down so he sat down on the toilet with his pants on and he shit and pissed his pants. He was shitting everywhere. With a team effort, we took off his underwear and threw them in the garbage, then we and we got onto the ferry. That's where in the video you can see all the shit and and piss all over his pants.

Once we got onto the ferry some weird part of his curiosity kicked in and he started going up to people and identifying them by their race or ethnic background... for example he went up to a black person and said you're from Africa, then he went up to a Chinese person, and said you're from Asia. He went up to all sorts of different people from all sorts of wakes of life and started identifying people based on their apparent heritage. People were actually pretty chilled out, believe it or not, but everyone knew he was absolutely crazy. I couldn't disassociate from him as much as I felt the social judgment heavily. I had to look after him seeing as he was on 10 G of mushrooms. At this point his brain started to shut down and all he could make out were simple words based on observations in the physical world for example he saw food and he said chicken, he saw salad and he said salad but weirdly enough when he saw a coin, he said there's two sides but there's never going to be a third one. Which this statement really impacted me for some reason. Shortly thereafter we got back to Vancouver and his trip was only getting crazier and crazier, at one point he started crying because he thought the car was going to crash only because I was going regular highway speeds. We managed to calm him down and get him home at which he decided to do parkour in the concrete jungle of Vancouver. Enjoy the video!

P.S., I have a high level of respect for this man. He is a fearless warrior who has way bigger balls than me. He narrowly escaped death and continued to put himself in risky - albeit fun - situations. He is also a very philosophical guy, if you ever get to meet him.

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