Does any country have leader that is a real leader?

1 year ago

As difficult as it is to accept our prime ministers, presidents etc are doing the job they were hired to do, and they are doing their job well. Most politicians are serving their bosses well. Yes, hat includes the much ridiculed Joe Biden, despised Justin Trudeau and recently departed Boris Johnson. The problem is most people think the a fore mentioned and their cohorts are there to work for the people. No, they and whoever is anointed to replace them are there to further, enhance and otherwise assist the world elite and other fends of Klaus Schwab in their take over of the world’s resources – not so much the global population which apparently is not only redundant to their needs but even worse are in the way of their theft of the world.
At one time the leader of a country, tribe or clan was a person their people would follow in to battle, a person they could believe was there to inspire and lead them to a better life. When was the last time your country or any country had a leader that inspire dsuch confidence? It has been many years since any of us have had such a leader.
Now, it seems each time a country needs leadership out of a crisis the leader suddenly tests positive for covid or generates some other personal health crisis to escape the leadership mantel and hid from the public.
Our current and for the foresee-able leaders will only be in place to serve the Global elite, World Economic Forum etall as they progress in their goal to seize the world and our resources. The leaders are there to divert the public and provide a target to “throw rotten eggs” at. One of the main tools they are use is to divide the population into opposing camps. Dividing us into left wing right wing camps is one of their effective tools. A tactic designed to keep us fighting with ourselves and not see the real crime that is being committed, the theft of the world. Does it matter whether you voted for a left of center or right of center party when you are with out food, no heat for ones home etc. The time for fussing about left wing/right wing is passed. The immediate need is for food that day, water that day or heat for the cold winter day.
Time for people of the world to unite as one and take back our world, our freedom, our lives from Klaus Schwab and fiends. (actual as bad as Klaus Schwab is he is only there as another target to rally against rather than the criminals directing him) We must stand up to them and reignite our freedoms.
These are some of the reasons I signed the

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