Why would they do this?

1 year ago

This is the update for September 18, 2022: Quick climate change update. Government Covid lies are coming back to haunt them. Why would a government want to kill its own people?

Getting gold and silver, Here's my UPMA link - https://member.upma.org/?referral=332005368533681802


Scientist SHOCKS Newscaster By Claiming Sun And Moon Affect Weather - https://banned.video/watch?id=631fad944c745b6228e50188

UK Government BANS COVID Shots for Children 11 Years Old and Younger [VIDEO] - https://www.redvoicemedia.com/2022/09/uk-government-bans-covid-shots-for-children-11-years-old-and-younger-video/

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Massive Study Shows Vaccine Up To 98 Times More Dangerous Than Covid - https://banned.video/watch?id=631faedb4c745b6228e57160

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Ex-CDC director reveals names behind real COVID 'conspiracy' - https://www.wnd.com/2022/09/ex-cdc-director-reveals-names-behind-real-covid-conspiracy/

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The Dark Reason Our Leaders Turned Against Us - Leigh Dundas Interview - https://banned.video/watch?id=631d2ea6a6e2925e20a476cd

There's a Bigger Agenda: "These People Are Literally Trying to Kill Us" - https://tv.gab.com/channel/bianco/view/theres-a-bigger-agenda-these-people-63122d182e78b4bc98be4884

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Executive Order 14067 Explained | Catherine Austin Fitts Explains, "A Digital Transaction Control Grid...Your Money Will Turn Off 5 Miles from Your Home." - https://rumble.com/v1igvpp-executive-order-14067-explained-.html

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General Flynn | Executive Order #14067 + SHOCKING!!! View Released 9/11 Pentagon Parking Camera Footage - https://banned.video/watch?id=6321cf9cd6e59f698940fd77

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