[Narrative Dissonance] Cultural Genocide Grift | With James Pew & Elliot Resnick

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Juliet and Carter speak with panelists Elliot Resnick and James Pew about Canada's first National Gathering on Unmarked Graves and the associated rent-seeking of leftist activists. Next, they discuss the mischaracterization of January 6th and the Republican response to it before diving into a broader discussion about postmodernism, critical theory, atheism, and the war on civilization.

James Pew is an independent writer, father and entrepreneur. James’ work can be found on Substack at Woke Watch Canada and The Turn (links in full show description). He is a strong advocate for liberalism and the cherished Western freedoms associated with truth-seeking.

Follow him on Twitter at: @NotWokeThinker

Elliot Resnick is the former chief editor of the Jewish Press and host of new a podcast ("The Elliot Resnick Show"). He holds a PhD in Jewish History and has authored or edited five books, including, most recently, "Movers & Shakers, Vol. 3: On American Glory, Jewish Destiny, Rare Integrity, and More."

Follow him on Twitter at: @ResnickElliot

For a full description of this episode, including a list of links to referenced material, visit:

About Narrative Dissonance
"Narrative Dissonance" is a weekly series dedicated to shattering the narrative of the mainstream press. Each week, a team of panelists from alternative media sources unravel the latest misleading mainstream narratives and explore relevant stories that journalists in the corporate press ought to be covering, but aren't.

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