2 years ago

Start looking at all the corporate logos like google the ball is formed with 3 6's = 666
Googles operating system is called ADRENO
Googles search engine is called Chrome
Amazon that smily face, It's a bent bent penis looking at it from the bottom. It's all right in front of our faces. They think we are stupid and won't ever notice it. It's all the corporations. Look into all the symbolism with Bigpharma. Hospitals, Freemasons, Etc. Look at all the Pedophilic symbols on the fib Website once you do you'll notice they are all over kids toys and movies. I 've seen a little boy lover symbol on a icecream freezer in a store in I go to all the time. Pointed it out to a policy officer and he just shrugged his shoulders and said "it's a big company" I was like well I guess you should get on out there and pull someone over for having no license plate light! WHAT!?
They have to show us.
In their belief system they believe if they don't tell us KARMA will catch up with them. Just look at our fake money. it's loaded with symbolism, Remember the pictures where you fold it and you can see two towers burning? This is all a plan they have had for years and years. THEY HAVE TO TELL US. Somehow if they sneak this stuff into our consciousness it gets them of the hook.
They show is in movies, songs, words TV you name it. Remember this is about how they think not how we think. We know they are Lunatics they think they are Gods.

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