TCRP - Episode 62 - Can Heliocentrism Be Picked Apart? with Dave Wiess

2 years ago

In the spirit of Season 7's "Behind the Veil" theme, we decided to go to one of the most controversial topics of them all, and that's the shape of the Earth.  I've always said that nobody has effectively made the case to me why this is a particularly important topic as we aren't going off planet anytime soon.  But we decided to put that question to the test and let one of the biggest personalities in the content creation space give us his take on why he believes it to be the most important topic today.   Join us, and guest Dave Wiess, as we discuss the Geo/Helio debate that, regardless of what any of us think about it, doesn't appear to be going anywhere.  

Dave Wiess Bio:

Flat Earth Dave hails from the East Coast of the United States where he was born and raised. He began his Flat Earth journey when he left his very lucrative corporate job and started his own company. As a hobby, he hosted a conspiracy comedy show at a NYC comedy club for three years. After many fans urged that he look at what he considered to be a ridiculous notion called, "Flat Earth", he sought out to disprove this conspiracy and put it to bed once and for all.

It was then that he discovered Flat Earth was in fact the true earth and hasn't looked back. He is now on a mission to wake up the world to Flat Earth because it is the MOST IMPORTANT topic today, especially in light of today's current political and social climate.

For a more comprehensive article on Dave:

Notable Guest Appearances:

- Alex Jones INFOwars
- Chris Jericho's podcast (WWE) - Talk is Jericho (4x)
- Flyover Conservatives with David and Stacy Whited
- We The People Radio (Podcast)
- Sam Tripoli's Tin Foil Hat (4x)
- Anthony Cumia's In Hot Water
- Comedians: Owen Benjamin, Chrissie Mayr
- International (Ireland, UK, Sweden)

Morning and Talk Radio:
- NYC, Toronto, Vancouver, Atlanta, Tampa Bay, Greensboro, NC, St. Louis
- New Zealand (2x)
- Australia (2x)
- South Africa (3x)

This is available as a podcast on Podbean at:

Resources from this episode:

The Flat Earth Sun, Moon & Zodiac Clock app
Link to app:

YouTube Channel - The Flat Earth Sun, Moon & Zodiac Clock app

A Playlist of Flat Earth Dave's recent interviews:

YouTube Channel: Deep Inside The Rabbit Hole (DITRH)

The Flat Earth Podcast

Flat Earth Dave's Contact info / Social Media Profiles:
web - OR
Twitter - theFEPodcast
Instagram - theFlatEarthPodcast
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