What the Media Won't Tell You About KING CHARLES III (Part 2)

2 years ago

The Queen went along with the replacement of the native British people in the UK for 3rd worlders via endless legal and illegal migration watching the UK turn into a crime ridden place where children get Abused and Trafficked while the people who complain about the foreigners doing it get arrested for "hate crimes", and had no problems with her royal family doing business and keeping close personal relations with notorious pedophiles and child traffickers like Epstein and Jimmy Savile.

The Queen performed the same function our Constitution currently performs for us.

They both provided the illusion of continuity.

Their existence gave our enemies plausible deniability as our nations were fundamentally reshaped by outsiders, with outsiders, for outsiders.

Sure, looking around, Britain no longer resembles the nation it once did. But, the monarchy is in place. Constant, stoic, intractable. Perhaps not much has changed after all?

Sure, looking around, America has rapidly disintegrated into a third-world hellhole. But, the Constitution is still the law of the land! And politicians still pay lip service to it. We’ll be just fine!

The people who conquered our nations allowed us to keep just enough of our customs to stave off revolution.

What the Media Won't Tell You About KING CHARLES III
After Queen Elizabeth II's passing, Prince Charles became King Charles III, and even if you aren't under the crown, here are the things you need to know about him! Here's what the media won't tell you about King Charles III.

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