September 18, 2022

2 years ago

The daily play is a concert and practice session in one. Hands on guitar more important than perfection. Your new sounds more important than commercial covers. Your life shared a greater good than nothing. The world needs music. Without it we have only the windings of motors and clashings of horns and small talk. Think of the greater good. Not our own misery or potential destruction. But the eyes on the prize of eternity with Christ in focus and His work finished on calvary. We walk in faith determined to share and like that which is good and sturdy. Built on the rock. Not without hypocrisy just simple continuation of daily prayer and forgiveness. And daily play and improved improvisation. In the moment and in the light the truth is simple. Trust God and move towards the work of grace in every area. Believe, and you shall succeed. Get up an walk when your art is broken. Get up and play when your song is old and worn. Show yourself the song again. Get up and play and your ears will tell the difference.

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