Fishing in a former castle moat: My first fish in years

1 year ago

This year I decided to get back into fishing. It has been about four years since I last fished and even longer since I was serious about fishing.

I decided to fish nearby my home. This canal used to be part of the moat around Moka Castle. Now it runs into the river and is fed by farm canals. I went low technology with a hand caster and corn as bait. I could see that most of the carp were on the side with the new canal feeding into the main one.

Deciding that that must be where the food was I fished on that side. My plan was simple, drop the bait and bobber in and let it float down to wear the two waters met. On my second attempt, I caught a fish.

Called a chub in English I had heard them called Oikawa (オイカワ) in Japan. This one was spared the fate of becoming tempura and was released back.

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