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Desperately Abducting Susan

2 years ago

Nathan "Boldly Gone" Higbee joins be again to go over a terrifying tale of a woman who was selected for alien harvesting, along with numerous other women. Are aliens artificially inseminating women? Are humans just cattle for aliens? Or is it a message highlighting all of the horrible aspects of factory farming? This and more on this week's episode of UfO...No!

Thanks to the Tin Foil Mulisha 🤘
Erin Rice
Casey Armadillo
Michael Benavides
Michael Ralstin
Carlton Turner
Matthew Morphet

Portal to everything UFO...No! 👇

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Harvest: The True Story of Alien Abduction - https://www.amazon.co.uk/Harvest-True-Story-Alien-Abduction/dp/1789043859



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