Town Under Siege! Continuing the Campaign 16SEP22

2 years ago

The Minotaur General has started the chain of events, and only the heroes and their followers can stop this madness. Waves upon waves crash upon the walls and gates, and multiple monstrous enemies come for blood! Our Campaign Midpoint adventure gets in to high gear, and you're invited to watch the heroes struggle to win the day.

About me:
I’m a hobbyist that runs a Pathfinder 1st edition game for his friends that can make their way to my table. The table sometimes talks about non-game things, but we get together because we do enjoy the game. I run Frog God Games materials, as a primary for what I have. I also enjoy other third party materials, and feel that it does not matter what rules you use, what is important is if your friends and you congregate and have a fun time telling your story.

I just set up a Stream Elements tip jar. If you're willing, I'm thankful. I always tell the people that I work with to be happy with what we get. I'm no different, and I'll do my best to keep this channel growing in the fashion that it is.

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