
2 years ago

All of us have a mountain in front of us that we’ll have to climb to get to our promised land or our next blessing. The Israelites had to face the Nephilim (giants), Abraham had to face the sacrifice of his beloved son, Jesus had to face the cross, and one day all Christians who are still alive on earth during the time of the Beast and the Man of Lawlessness will have to face The Great Tribulation. Mountains or battles are inevitable, but with God, we can climb them, overcome them, and get to the other side where our blessing awaits us. But why? Why do we have battles in our lives, and how do we overcome them? Join Reverend Kenny Yates as he opens our eyes to the spiritual battles before us in his encouraging message, Ziklag.

Verses Used:
1 Samuel 30:6
Genesis 42:36 NIV
2 Corinthians 4:8–9
Ephesians 3:20b NKJV
Romans 8:18
Acts 26:15

Our Website: https://www.holdtohope.org/weekly-messages/ziklag/

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