Creativity Makes for Outstanding Entrepreneurs!!

1 year ago

5 Ways in Which Creative People Make Outstanding Entrepreneurs

You might think that being creative doesn’t stack up well with business. After all, the
stereotype of the suffering artist or writer wrestling with the Muse doesn’t sound
like a great candidate to be running a company, right? But in fact, creative people
make outstanding entrepreneurs.
Researchers have found that there are a number of characteristics creatives share,
which can make them innovative and successful businesspeople.
1. Creatives are innovative
Creative people tend to take a different, even quirky view of the world. They have
flexible, adaptive minds and can often find solutions to tricky problems. And they’re
really good at coming up with lots of new ideas.
2. Creative processes mirror business processes.
It might sound surprising, but the stages of developing a creative project are very
similar to those involved in setting up a business. Commonly there are four steps to
each enterprise. There is a research phase, gathering information about an issue,
product, or problem. There is an ‘incubation; stage where this information gets
processed, followed by a big breakthrough Eureka moment when the solution
becomes clear. Then comes the final testing phase, where the
creative/entrepreneur tests the solution to see if it works. This applies whether
you’re setting up a business, launching a new product, or writing a novel.
3. Creatives and entrepreneurs work in the same conditions
Both creatives and entrepreneurs work in a flexible, highly changeable environment.
There is the freedom to float and test new ideas in a less structured environment
than a regular job or company.
There are risks and sometimes high stakes involved, but for the creative and
entrepreneur alike, this is fertile ground that can allow innovative ideas to flourish.
4. They make connections

One of the hallmarks of the creative mind is being able to think outside the box and
make connections between superficially unrelated ideas. They are also intensely
curious and want to know the ‘why’s and ‘why nots’ about the world.
Entrepreneurs are also eclectic thinkers who are not afraid to try new strategies and
ideas to see what happens. Both types are big on the ‘what if’ approach to the
5. They are great at communicating their message
Both creatives and entrepreneurs are likely to be passionate about their work and
have great powers of persuasion. They have thought about it and worked at it and
lived it, so they know it inside out, and they care about sharing their passion with
the world.

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