Colfax AoG Sunday Sermon Aug 7, 2022 - LORD have your way with me.

1 year ago

When we are lost in the Dark, we need to find the way home. When we are sure we know where we are, but are heading the wrong way, we need to come to our senses. When we are too stubborn to ask for directions, “I can do it myself” needs to humble themselves, And ask. What if we could get a GPS for our soul? The secret to life is ONE THING. In the center of your bible, lies the longest Psalm. This Psalm is an ode to one thing: The WORD of GOD, as the way of life. This is the way out of every problem we face. Do not turn your back on it. Embrace it for all you are worth, as the Psalmist does.
sermon starts at 57minutes.

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