放鬆的心靈音樂|Relaxing Music • Sleep Music,Relaxing Music, Meditation Music★3

2 years ago

放鬆的心靈音樂|Relaxing Music • Sleep Music,Relaxing Music, Meditation Music★3



冥想,並非僅僅是放鬆這麼簡單。後者只是簡單地使身體和心情放鬆休息下來;冥想卻是有意識地把注意力集中在某一點或想法上,在長時間反复練習下,使大腦進入更高的意識(類似禪的“入定”),最終達到天人合一的境界。 “調息法”及“冥想”是較高層次的瑜伽術,並不適宜自學,初學者必須先練習各個瑜伽姿勢,待充分掌握後才可學習它們。此外,患有任何情緒病或精神科疾病的人士,更不可練習“調息法”或“冥想”,以免造成危險。簡單而言,胡亂練習“調息法”或冥想會對健康造成不少傷害。







There is some debate about the measurable effects of meditation. Criticisms suggest that there are few physiological differences between the normal "eyes closed" resting state and specific meditation procedures (Holmes,). Followers of meditation, however, believe that the true physiology of meditation can be characterized as serene alertness, a state of less physical arousal but heightened awareness.

Thus, meditation can at least reduce anxiety, especially for individuals who are in a stressful environment. However, the goal of meditation is not just to temporarily relieve tension. Practitioners of meditation have suggested that the regular practice of certain forms of meditation increases awareness, helps individuals gain enlightenment and see those familiar in new ways, shifting perception and thinking from spontaneously learned patterns liberated from. Some researchers have also suggested that regular meditation can move the mind beyond what Western psychology considers the limitations -- and even lead to measurable improvements in intelligence and cognitive functioning. Being aware of your breath, and simply appreciating what's around you can be a pathway to mental balance.

Meditation is more than just relaxation. The latter simply relaxes and rests the body and mind; meditation, on the other hand, consciously focuses on a certain point or idea, and after repeated practice over a long period of time, brings the brain into a higher consciousness (similar to Zen's "adventure"). ), eventually reaching the realm of the unity of man and nature. "Pranayama" and "Meditation" are higher-level yoga techniques and are not suitable for self-study. Beginners must practice each yoga posture first, and then they can learn them after they have fully mastered them. In addition, people with any emotional or psychiatric diseases should not practice "pranayama" or "meditation" to avoid danger. Simply put, practicing pranayama or meditation indiscriminately can cause a lot of damage to your health.

The so-called meditation is to stop the intellectual and rational cerebral cortex, and make the autonomic nervous system active. To put it simply, it is a kind of spiritual self-discipline behavior that stops all external activities of consciousness and achieves "self-forgetfulness". This is not to disappear consciousness, but to make the activities of the subconscious more sensitive and active when the consciousness is in a very awake state, and then connect with the fluctuation of the cosmic consciousness of another dimension.

The universe itself is full of fluctuations, and fluctuations are information, full of unknown ideas. People who open their right brain through meditation can freely use the information and ideas of the universe. The human brain is governed by the movement of the celestial bodies and planets, and it is a part of the universe, and has the function of being on the same channel as all fluctuations. Just like a radio, if you adjust the frequency, you can clearly receive information. Meditation is a way to adjust yourself and the fluctuations of the universe.

Meditation was originally a kind of spiritual practice in religious activities, such as meditation, yoga, qigong, etc., but now it has been widely used in many spiritual activities courses. Brian Zosef Xunxun, a British who won the Nobel Prize in Physics for his research on superconductors, is also a person who has cultivated to receive spiritual information through meditation.

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