Unclassified Compartmented Information (UCI): The "Oswald Shooter" Coronavirus

1 year ago


Abe Lincoln famously said, to a divided nation, during a civil war testing whether a government of the people, by the people and for the people would perish from the earth, that it did not matter if God was on our side, but whether we were on God's side, and in the decade before a pandemic crisis, those who identified as being affiliated with any religious faith had declined by 12 points, while after two years of pandemic, they had lost six percent to the nones, and at least anecdotally coincident to this event we find many predicting an end to democracy. Just saying.

The President said that, although it was different for everyone, everyone lost something in pandemic, be it a family member, a business, an opportunity to go on vacation, time with friends, time in school, time in fellowship and worship, and even faith that government could do the big things that really matter, a government of the people, by the people and for the people, which indicates that maybe the people share some responsibility in what happens. And the President had said that we know what we have to do to defeat this virus: tell the truth.

Neil deGrasse Tyson makes a lot of money telling people how smart he is, and he had questioned how a powerful and loving God might permit such suffering. So, since he was a science expert, I had posed the question to him, as a loving and powerful person, regarding the peculiarities of this novel coronavirus, and he has yet to respond; so, may he finally found a science question he could not answer, even if he totally understands the God question, and believes in UFOs, who have yet to send us an email, and for which not even science has any evidence, relying on beliefs, assumptions and "faith."

But I suggest, humbly, that this novel coronavirus is not exactly rocket science.

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