When I Die – Rumi Poem

2 years ago

We are always afraid of death. Death of our loved ones, and even more so, death of our self.

But why?

As Rumi so eloquently expresses in one of the best Rumi quotes: "a grave is only a curtain for the paradise behind."

We become so attached to this world and to our material body and sense of self, that the thought of losing it all and ultimately being seen as "nothing" devastates and frightens us—to the point that we will do anything to avoid thinking or talking about death.

But as with everything in life, if we do not understand one thing, we cannot appreciate its opposite. If we do not give death our time, attention, and respect, we will never truly appreciate our life.

It is death that makes life meaningful.

And so, I hope you all enjoy this wonderful Rumi poem, and use it as a reference for whenever you or a loved one are approaching death and feel petrified, devastated, and hopeless.

Please also feel free to share with others who are experiencing a similar situation, and don't forget to like, share, and subscribe to this channel to get more inspirational poems like this in front of countless others who need the inspiration and support.

#rumi #whenidie #rumipoetry


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Check out my spiritual podcast and YouTube series, The Voice of Love: Mystic Poetry for the Yearning Soul (link to Episode 2 below):


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