Dr. MD's Home Survival Guide: How to Stay Healthy in Uncertain Times #trending #subscribe #facts

2 years ago

Dr. MD's Home Survival Guide: How to Stay Healthy in Uncertain Times

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These are unsettling times, my friends—and the future looks even more uncertain than the present. If you’re concerned about these issues—and any other health or medical issue you or your family might face in this uncertain environment—I have good news and bad news. The good news? I have some effective home remedies that will help you cope and even thrive in this time of uncertainty...

Heart Disease
While heart disease used to be a condition affecting mostly the elderly, younger people are also beginning to suffer from this chronic disease. One of the most important things you can do for your heart is avoid eating trans-fats and sugars which are found in too many pre-packaged foods. Studies have shown that a healthy diet will slow down the progression of heart disease by reducing high cholesterol levels and risk of blood clots that could lead to a heart attack or stroke.

Memory Problems
Maintaining your memory health can be difficult, but not impossible. With the right steps, you may be able to keep a strong cognitive function as we go through this time of crisis and find new treatments emerge.

Getting Sick Easily
In any prolonged power outage, food and water sources can become scarce or contaminated with bacteria or viruses, causing illnesses like diarrhea, Salmonella poisoning and Norovirus - so be sure to have an oral hygiene routine and stay away from close contact with people who are sick. You may also want to add a high-fiber diet that includes foods rich in iron, vitamin C and zinc - these nutrients help your immune system fight back against invaders!

Immunity Boosters
In the coming days, your immunity may suffer due to worries, lack of sleep and exposure to flu-carrying passengers on public transit. Here are three ways to help keep your immune system strong when you're under stress:
(1) Get a full night's sleep. Sleep deprivation decreases your immune response by impairing the functioning of white blood cells (immune cells). When you're stressed, it can be hard to fall asleep or stay asleep for eight hours. Try these strategies for a better night's rest: (2) Eat a balanced diet that is high in vitamins A and C, zinc and magnesium. (3) Exercise for at least 30 minutes five times per week.

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