Latest News | The Queen's Final Farewell: Thousands Line Up to Say Goodbye | #shorts #news

2 years ago

Latest News | The Queen's Final Farewell: Thousands Line Up to Say Goodbye | #shorts #news

Maxar's satellite pictures have shown the massive miles-long queues to view Queen Elizabeth II lying-in-state at London's Westminster Hall. Tens of thousands joined the queue, when it opened on Wednesday (September 14), to pay their last respects to the UK's longest-ruling monarch. Queen Elizabeth's funeral, which will be attended by world leaders, is scheduled for Monday (September 19).

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#Maxar #satellite #pictures #queues #QueenElizabethII #London #WestminsterHall #tensofthousands #lastrespects #UK #longestrulingmonarch #funeral #attended #worldleaders #scheduled #Monday #localnews #eveningnews

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