放鬆的心靈音樂|Relaxing Music • Sleep Music,Relaxing Music, Meditation Music★8

1 year ago

放鬆的心靈音樂|Relaxing Music • Sleep Music,Relaxing Music, Meditation Music★8


1. Movement meditation
Let yourself reach a state of meditation through the practice of asana. This method allows the joints and stretched parts to reach the limit, and the controllable parts of the body are exercised to reach the limit, and cut off some thoughts to enter the realm of meditation.
2. Candlelight meditation
It is also called a little meditation method, which has more requirements on the environment. The light should not be too bright. Use your eyes to watch the candlelight for a period of time. The main purpose of this is to make your eyes reach the limit of fatigue, and then help you cut off your thinking and enter a state of meditation.
3. OM sound meditation
This method is to use the ear. For example, there will be bells in temples. When the passers-by hear the bell, they will often stop and listen to the mysterious sound. In fact, at this time, they have entered a kind of Meditation, from sound to silent, thinking has also entered a realm of DHYANA. Making an OM sound while meditating and extending the M sound to three times the O sound will also have this effect, again using controllable parts of the body.
4. Breathing meditation
Meditate in the lotus position, listen to the sound of the breath with the ears, and listen to the sound of the breath, but the breath is very subtle, so it needs to be very quiet and very focused.

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