Moral Revival

2 years ago

The country and world desperately need a moral revival if we are to survive. Since the sexual revolution of the 60s, society has been in decay. And sexual depravity is getting more perverted as each generation passes. Our world has gotten to the point where children are being urged by INSANE adults, including parents, to drug and mutilate themselves in hopes of changing their sex. It is impossible to change one's sex and insane to want to. Sexual perversion never brings happiness, but it often motivates troubled people to get more perverted in hopes it finally will.
Pushing sexual perversion is also about Marxists trying to destroy the family. The family is the foundation of society, thus tyrants have long tried to destroy it.
The answer to saving society is to return to traditional values, as taught by the Bible and thus mainline churches. The problem is that most churches have watered down the faith in hopes of not offending anyone. The Catholic Church was once considered the moral compass for the whole of society. Since the 60s though it has largely caved to secularism, though there are still some outposts of strong Catholicism, including the Latin Mass communities and diocesan priests who say the Latin Mass.
A return to God and his Biblical teachings is what will save society from certain collapse.

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