Human Trafficker Stalking my twin brother

2 years ago

This was a video taken on 2017, this is when they were targeting my twin brother, during this time they were plotting as this are not local gangs. This are Organize Military Stalking as TI call it gangstalking. This how he was targeted. Remember they destroyed his business, stalked him and isolated him. That is when aviation started spraying Nano Particle (Neural Dust) above the sky and the girl that was renting his house was a prep too. She and his wife drug his water dispenser with psychiatric drug so that he goes into a deep sleep. When ever i visited him he was not aware i was coming . He was sleeping in the hall. I'll wait for 3-4 hours until he get ups. I knew something was not right. Time passes by i got my answer. As i said this crime is big and they use electronic harassment weapon on an Individual. Life are destroyed during this process. I have seen how much the society is deeply involve without knowing the output. The Hive Mind Society . The earn money through a system call "Cash is King" This people will be rewarded with Businesses, Properties, Carrier and the list goes on. This how big Human Trafficking is . This was the year they did to his son. and they are covering it up using this technology. Scary Society that we leave in and they are every where. They are Remote Bio Chipping me on the skull too as it started 2021 after they did it again to my twin brother they are taking life's and this is done by the 69 Cult. . This is in Malaysia SS 1 /16 Kg. Tunku 47300 Petaling Jaya.

Watch the road as they were using pulse frequency

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