放鬆的心靈音樂|Relaxing Music • Sleep Music,Relaxing Music, Meditation Music★13

1 year ago

放鬆的心靈音樂|Relaxing Music • Sleep Music,Relaxing Music, Meditation Music★13



What does "meditation" mean?
Close our eyes to see the essence of things, just like our eyes have never been closed, this is a whole new world, we should master the use of our own eyes to explore the world, explore the world of ourselves, meditation is the inner awakening of the self.
Close your eyes and feel the distant place in that body that transcends thought, matter, and action. Close your eyes and feel the meditation carefully, it is a journey of life, we sail slowly, we will experience from "relative knowledge of the pair of things" to "absolute experience of matter", and we will also find that there is no mood, shape and color.

How to meditate
Meditation method:
1. Breathing Meditation: You can use this technique alone as a meditation to calm your mind and reduce distractions. Just focus on breathing, inhaling, and exhaling.
2. Candlelight Gaze: If you have trouble concentrating, just light a candle and gaze at it. Your attention will be maintained.
3. Sanskrit meditation: Some Sanskrit chanting can help you find calm and focus. This is Sanskrit for achieving inner peace.
4. Meditation Guided: There are many resources online to guide meditation and music to help you relax.
5. Walking meditation: Pay attention to the various sensations of the body while walking, the sensation of breathing, the sensation of air or wind on the skin. What you can hear, and what you see.
6. Mindfulness Meditation: Mindfulness is about recognizing what is happening in the present moment, both present and past. This includes thoughts, sounds, sensations in the body, and anything else that exists. The idea is to observe without judgment, and to remain open and aware. Here's a step-by-step guide to practicing mindfulness in your daily life.

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