JFK to 9/11: Everything Is a Rich Man's Trick

2 years ago

This is one of the only documentaries that actually speaks on the real Secret Societies which for most are still a secret. I had 800k views on my Youtube Channel before they took my channel down
Personal note from Francis
Dear Alex
I did see the FB message you posted below my tribute to your endeavours, so yes, thanks a million for this incredible video montage. Was it you who put it together? It's simply brilliant and must have taken an absolute age. I've always thought our mainstream media is bad but yours really is a Monty Python sketch every single day. Don't you think it's incredible that all those presenters are incapable of looking at themselves even for a single second and seeing what they really are? It's exactly the same as the German Nazis who couldn't see what they were until it was too late. Incredible. How easily people allow themselves to become whores of the ruling class eh?
Keeping doing what you do my friend!
My very, very best wishes

Francis Richard Conolly
JFK to 911 is already a global phenomenon, having began as a Youtube video which achieved over a billion hits by becoming the first documentary in human history to untangle all the establishment lies and reveal the entire truth about the Kennedy Assassination and 911. These disclosures so frightened the powers-that-be that President Trump and the Queen of England took the joint decision to ban it altogether, so that if you read this book, you will be learning the most cardinal secrets which your government would much rather you did not know. Nearly all intelligent people these days are wary of what we are being told by the mainstream media, but fewer are aware that the very notion of 'fake news' began with the words on these pages, and that all government policy in recent times has been an ongoing effort to hold back the increasing enlightenment these words have inspired. Legions of people have taken the trouble to go online so that they could tell the world about how learning that absolutely everything is a rich man's trick—the justice system, the education system, the economic system, and most importantly, the media. Francis Richard Conolly is extremely hopeful that the people who have made a movie which he originally gave them for free such a central part of their existence will now buy this book in order to build the revenues which he needs to make the sequel which everyone wants to see.

Follow me on Telegram Mafia77 Fighting for the Truth https://t.me/Mafia77fightingforthetruth

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