INDRID COLD - THE GRINNING MAN - Remote Viewing Investigations

1 year ago

On November 2, 1966, in Parkersburg, West Virginia, Woodrow Derenberger was driving his way home on Interstate 77 until he heard a crash. An unidentifiable vehicle appeared to land in front of his truck. He described it as "an old-fashioned kerosene lamp chimney, flaring at both ends, narrowing down to a small neck and then enlarging in a great bulge in the center."

The "Grinning Man" walked out of the vehicle up to Derenberger and telepathically said his name was "Indrid Cold" and he meant no harm. Cold said he just wanted to know more about the human race, and he would visit Derenberger again in the future. After the encounter, Derenberger stated that Cold revealed he was from the planet Lanulos in the galaxy of Genemedes.

This encounter happened in the same timeframe, and in the same area, as the infamous Mothman sightings in the Point Pleasant, West Virginia area. Indrid Cold was reportedly seen at least two other times on separate occasions, and some say he is still seen to this day. He got his nickname "The Grinning Man" because he smiles at everyone he encounters, while speaking telepathically. It's assumed by many that Indrid was a humanoid alien, while others say he is associated with the Men in Black (MIB). Jessica remote viewed the origins of Indrid Cold and will reveals her findings here.

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