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Justice in Canada

2 years ago

We the people are the final say in correcting unjust institutions in society.


  • 0/2000
  • Thank you, Dr Nagase- For risking EVERYTHING.

  • God Bless

  • Do a forensic investigation. Dr David Fisman was behind the smear campaigns against doctors who speak out. He’s behind this⬇️ https://byrambridle.com/

  • We Love you Dr Nagase.. it's obvious the courts are owned n lawless.. the rule of law is their strawman commerce under maritime law.. Danielle said she would help the people now she right on board with the sdg7 undrip to steal land n water n Protect from we the people..n now AB getting digital ID.. We no all this .. n we no what the Vax is doing to ppl .. I lost 3 family members to it.. n they keep pushing us taking more rights.. so how r we going to stop them? ✋️ I been saying Natural Law of the Land.. is our answer n then I found Jake Jackson fb... utube: Kaizen n the pursuit of Truth... watch his plan n vision on this first.. then rumble: theFreedomProject2020.. he has the answers we been waiting for ... it up to us to stand up Protect the kids, Nature, ourself.. NoOne is coming to save us.. it's up to us n the Time for a Solution is now.. Christine Anderson said its up to the ppl to Rise n stop the tyranny.. We can form our own Natural Law Constitution, under Natural Law of the Land n a Natural Law Republic... please watch his vision.. he has the plan laid out in videos on rumble on theFreedomProject2020 .. Now is the time to Rise n stop them or there won't be nothing left to save.. we won't get good ppl like you, Pastor Art, Mark Frissen, Freedom George, Bob Baylone.. but under a Natural Law Republic we can have good ppl Respresent US... we no the issues.. Military is on their side... it's up to us to stop them n the Time is now... once u watch his solution n vision.. get in contact with him Dr Nagase.. this is our answer .. How do we stop the tyranny? Don't we want our schools, churches, n hospitals back??? Spread the word n get Everyone on board you no... https://rumble.com/v1b2nmd-happy-independence-day....html Our Time is now.. we have the numbers all we need to Critical Mass.. then we can hold them all Accountable.. take back our power n stop them once n for all.. it's our land.. our country.. Natural Law of the Land will have political prisioners