Scrupulosity, Hidden Obstacle to Serve|Powerful Breakthrough

2 years ago

One hidden evil spirit often ignored in spiritual warfare is scruplosity. Do you know that Scrupulosity spirit is a block for holiness? We often think that holiness is all our effort. To be holy is to be set apart. It is God who sets us apart, not us. We cooperate with our , "YES"! And with our YES, God can use us, animate us. #scruplosity #vice #sin related to pride.

Holiness is to allow the presence of God in our body, in our dwelling and in every place we are. Thus, holiness is our constant "yes" to God, to experience and believe in God's wisdom, forgiveness and mercy.

If we cannot trust that God got us and He chose us, worthy of a special mission - we are scrupulous and not trusting in the wisdom of God, who created us.

If we cannot trust God's powerful grace of forgiveness and that He indeed forgave us after receiving the Sacrament of Reconciliation - then we are scrupulous.

If we cannot trust that there is no sin that God cannot forgive, then we are scrupulous.

With the sin of Scrupulosity, we will never serve.

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