Support the Weak (Seeing Strength in Weakness) (Baptist Preaching - Ph)

2 years ago

Sunday Morning Preaching on the Church and the Brethren
May 29 2022

Support the Weak (Seeing Strength in Weakness)
Acts 20:35; 1Thessalonians 5:14

Obj: that the brethren may help one another when one is weak

Define: strong, weak, support
Examples in the bible:
Moses, Gideon, David,
Woman by the well, Woman with issue 12 years, Jeremiah

Reasons/Benefits of Supporting the Weak (and seeing the strength in weakness)
1. Humility have direct link to Weakness – v. 19
- notice – ‘tears’, ‘temptations’ (v.31)
2. Access to the majority of people – “house to house” – v.20
3. The weak are ready to repent – v.21
4. The Humble are led by the Spirit of God – vv. 22-23 – “not knowing”
5. Nothing to Lose – v. 24
6. At home in Serving – vv.28, 34, 35
7. Giving, Supporting is acceptable to the Lord – v. 35


Let us be supportive of the weak and also work on our weaknesses.

Formerly: Diadem Baptist Bible Church San Mateo Banaba Mission

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