Mike Sussman NOT GUILTY: WASH D.C. BIASED Jury. They want REVENGE! Black jurors repeated O.J. Case!

2 years ago

Part One of Two:

Team Blue did not even dispute ONCE that Special Prosecutor John Durham had the goods on the Hillary Clinton Atttorney-for-hire-one-hit-job Contractor. Now information is coming out that the Jurors were linked to AOC, Sussmans' daughters' soccer teammates, Hillary AND Obama donors and avid supporters, ALL Registered DEM voters, etc. You get the deal. Watch this video to see THE THE THE ONE reason American Black Juries don't do their Civic Duties in Hugh profile cases such as that sham O.J. Simpson trial back in 1995. You have been forewarned, Americans. Keep voting DEM for your own demise.

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