Remington Round-Up: Goodbye Mrs. Ivana Trump, Ray Liotta & James Caan; Mexican President Part 1!

1 year ago

Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador urges Hispanic Americans in Texas NOT to Vote for Governor Abbott. Why? Obrador claims the anti-immigrant politicians are somehow wrong for wanting to keep the Sovereignty of their own nation. Obrador should clean up HIS own Country first before he props up some real duck Losers like that fake Mexican Beto O'Rourke, Abbott's opponent in the Texas Governor's Election. Then Obrador and people who think like him wonders why some Americans want ALL Illegal Immigrants OUT of their Country; they only take take take, and give nothing in return. Everyone today should find God or that equivalent today for if I could ever seize power hook or crook, I would fix ALL America's problems. I would build 200 more mega-prisons and fill them up constantly. Starting with the Treasonous, traitor American Politicians....

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