Burping Compilation September #3 | RBC

2 years ago

Opening music: https://youtu.be/6T9HLAbb_CM
Ending music: https://youtu.be/OZTamSYB9KM
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/raphaparola/
Quem quiser, ajude o meu canal/Who wants, help my channel:
Doar/Donate: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=D5U7PP9SDT7ZG
Doar via PIX: 2e839dd1-1f54-4d7f-8017-bdaee664963b
Valeu Demais/Super Thanks: https://youtu.be/LPWJKw5A0QA

PORT: Apresentando pra vocês, a "Burping Compilation September #3".
A terceira comp de setembro lançada, agora sim consegui fazer num tamanho mais razoável, sim, foi bastante pesquisa, tanto que ela tá saindo apenas agora no sábado, peço até desculpas pelo atraso, mas farei de tudo pra que isso não ocorra de novo.
Enfim, os arrotos estão incríveis como sempre, e todas as garotas foram creditadas no final.
Enfim, espero que vocês gostem. :)
ENGL: Introducing to you, the "Burping Compilation September #3 ".
The third comp of September released, now I managed to make it in a more reasonable size, yes, it was a lot of research, so much so that it's only coming out on Saturday, I apologize for the delay, but I'll do everything to make sure this doesn't happen again.
Anyway, the burps are amazing as always, and all the girls were credited at the end.
Anyway, I hope you like it. :)

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