കടലിൽ "ചൂണ്ട" ഇട്ടാൽ ഇതൊക്കെ കിട്ടുമോ? 🔥🔥Hook fishing beyond ur expectations

2 years ago

കടലിൽ "ചൂണ്ട" ഇട്ടാൽ ഇതൊക്കെ കിട്ടുമോ? Hook fishing beyond expectations

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This day was awesome, we got a lot of fish that were beyond our expectations. Usually, these fishes can't be caught with a hook. But this was our lucky day. I have never seen a Starfish alive, but I caught one alive on the hook. We didn't kill the starfish we have released it.

The highlight of the day was not the starfish though, it was a 1kg Kammatti crab. Catching this crab was adventurous and exciting. The crab was taken for reproduction purposes. The scariest part of the was catching a sea snake on our hook. No one was hurt during this incident. And as usual we caught some regular kuttan fish and kaari fish.

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