A Message of Warning to America, From the Underground Church in Iran

2 years ago

GCM Statement:
To be clear, this should not be interpreted as a partisan political statement, rather it is a prophetic warning. Because of the hyper-partisan atmosphere in the United States, many are unable to hear such comments without perceiving them to be politically loaded or articulating an unhealthy American Nationalism. Nothing could be further from the truth. This is a warning to all Christians regardless of a political party to prepare their hearts for the storm that is presently brewing on the horizon.
n 2020, leaders of the underground church in Iran felt strongly impressed upon by the Lord to warn the western church that the persecution that they had experienced is coming to the West. When President Biden categorized those who support his political opponent and specifically highlighted those who are pro-life as extremists, dangerous, and threats to the nation, the Iranian leaders felt this to be a dangerous sign of things to come
Links: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lUFzOJj0iAU
Website: https://catalyticministries.com/

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