The truth is destined to be revealed. (The Lamp Stand Mark 4:21-25)

1 year ago

The truth is destined to be revealed. (The Lamp Stand Mark 4:21-25)
Shawnna and I have a friend who used to have a saying she liked to use, she would say, “The truth will stand when the world is on fire.” She would say this with the reasoning that people can say what they want to and believe what they want to, but it does not change the Truth and that fact it will always stand. It does not matter what the media says the truth will always stand, it does not matter what your piers say the truth will stand, and it matter what textbooks and scholars say the truth will stand. It may seem like there are times in our lives where the truth has been replaced but stand firm in knowing that truth is eternal and there is nothing anyone can do to change that. God has ordained and breathed truth into this world and no one or no thing can change its existence. When we elevate the light of God’s truth in our life, we are showing the world that not everyone has abandoned or strayed from the truth.
Scripture is clear that one day every individual will stand before God (Romans 14:11, Philippians 2:10-11) and the truth will be revealed to them. At this point they will either realize that they have been deceived their entire life and based their existence on lies from the pits of Hell or that they have firmly placed their faith in the Truth. There will be no question on this day what the Truth is or who is the giver of Truth. As followers of Christ our job is to take the light (truth) given us and share it with a world that many times does not want to hear it, does not respect it, and most certainly does not believe it. This cannot deter us from being carriers of the truth every where we go and with everyone they encounter. The truth will stand in the face of all odds, the truth will stand when the world is on fire.

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