Is There Really a Time and Place for Everything?

2 years ago

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How Big Is Your LCD On Your Phone? How About Your Laptop? How About Your TV? When I Was a Kid Going to The Drive-In Movie, It Was a Big Deal. For $5, You Could Go with Friends and Chip in A Dollar Because You Could Get in for $5-10 A Car.

A Popcorn And a Coke Were .50 Cents. A Hotdog Under a Dollar and Could Watch a Double Feature with Cartoons and Man All of That For $5 Dollars. Talking About Inflation, You Could Not Do That Today For $20 Today. What Was Cool Was How Big the Screen Was. No Movie Theaters Today Is There a Screen Even Close to That.

Our Heavenly Father's Screen Is Bigger Than That, And He Sees Everything. Listen Today as Master Lama Tells You How There Is a Time and Place for Everything.

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