Why I Like Patanjali's Yoga Sutras | Understanding Ego, Intellect, Mind, Meditation

2 years ago

Recently I went on a retreat and afterwards I “stumbled upon” this video: The Secret Teachings Of Patanjali Yoga Sutras — https://youtu.be/Il7d6fXDOD4

Years ago I read Patanjali's Yoga Sutras and that's what initially got me started in a real meditation practice, mostly because of how he described Raja Yoga. His teachings are an 8 step practice for achieving realization. Patanjali lived somewhere around 300 BC to 300 AD - no one is really sure.

Another thing I like about his teachings and Eastern religions in general: Even though they deal with God and Nature and life and death, they don’t feel like religion as I’ve known them in the West — they feel like self-knowledge and self-help with the goal of self-realization.

Chris Curran:
— Founder of Podcast Engineering School, https://podcastengineeringschool.com/
— Fractal artist, http://fractalchris.com/

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