Mind Control On Steroids

2 years ago

“MK ULTRA on Steroids”: Dr. Robert Duncan Reports On Today’s Neurotech Targeting of Humanity, Secrecy, and The Need For Change

here are hundreds of undisclosed Mind Control programs ongoing today, possibly with many different names, all indicative of the ’50s-’70s MK ULTRA programs going underground and continuing, reveals Dr. Robert Duncan, Artificial Intelligence and computer scientist, whistleblower, author of The Matrix Deciphered and Project Soulcatcher, with an impressive array of credentials including degrees from Harvard and Dartmouth, and work for DARPA, the US Navy, Army, NATO, and the private sector.

Compartmentalization in Defense and Intelligence has assured that people working on these programs believe they are working patriotically for the good of their country, while in actual fact, he notes, in an interview with this writer last week, that he learned “people were using my work for amoral activities not just for defense of my country and to catch criminals; they were using it for other purposes within my own country.”

Reports from the field began to indicate that people were being targeted with neurotechnologies and brain-computer-interface technologies of the kind he had helped develop, he says, for purposes of use on battlefields against enemy personnel. The excitement of being involved in developing BCI communications suddenly changed.

“I got into this line of research because I thought I would be the first to do computer to human brain communications, and I found now this group of targeted individuals who were complaining about the exact thing that you would expect from a weaponized version of BC and computer interface technologies …and I’m like, this is a bit coincidental. And rarely am I the first to discover anything so I did more research, thoroughly convinced after working on portions of it for DARPA and then realizing oh my gosh, this is my work they’re using to harm people.”

Dr. Robert Duncan tried to alert Congress in 2000, he says, along with trusted friends in the FBI, but to no avail.

“I even went with the former head of the LA FBI to Congress, spoke to the Judiciary Committee, the Armed Forces community, 23 senators and most importantly the Intelligence Committee, and they are supposed to be the oversight, it was obvious to me that this was MKULTRA on steroids, same tactics being used–the blank control, the breakdown of the human will, and using as programmed assassins or Manchurian candidates or whatever their desire may be–just eliminate the target. And the further I followed the White Rabbit down the hole, the more disturbing it got.”

Congressmembers in this millenium seem to have reacted very differently to those in the 1970s during the Frank Church Committee hearings.

“This is when I lost faith in my government–it was that event. The Senate Intelligence Committee said we’ve never heard of MK Ultra and that’s their one job –to know the background of Mk Ultra–the head of the FBI and I are looking at each other like oh this is not gonna go well, they’re starting off with a lie, they’ve never heard of this.”

Project MK ULTRA was the CIA’s Multi-Sub-Projected Behavior Modification Program, Currently Being Exposed as Ongoing

As most informed readers know, MK Ultra was one of the unethical experimental behavior modification and mind control programs with many subprojects run by the CIA (MK Delta, MK Naomi, Mk Often, Project Bluebird, Project Artichoke were some of the others) from the ’50s upward, exposed at the Church Committee Hearings before Congress in 1975, and further exposed by other journalists and writers afterward, including, especially, John Marks in his book The Search for the Manchurian Candidate.














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