The End of the Age, The Eternal State, or the New Heavens and the New Earth

2 years ago

In 1899, the same year my father was born, a series of addresses were delivered in Jersey and Guernsey by John S. Oliphant. From the first century until now, Christians have lived in anticipation of the return of the Lord. As recorded, a thousand years with the Lord is one day, and if I do the math, on God time table, he has only been gone from plant earth for a little over two days. I would be right in saying that the return of the Lord could happen any day now.
There are 11 videos in this series.
I have this writing in a Flip-Book and a PDF- Book online. Here are the links.
As an introduction to this series entitled "The End of the Age," I will use the preface, which reads:
The shorthand notes of these elementary addresses, delivered in Jersey and Guernsey, on subjects connected with the second coming of the Lord, have been revised and printed in accordance with my promise to those who heard the addresses in Guernsey.
My object was, not to give a learned disquisition in support of the doctrine of the pre-millennial Advent, nor to enter into much detail as to the course of events foretold in prophecy as yet unfulfilled; to present to the hearts and consciences of God's beloved people the leading truths concerning the return of the Lord Jesus to take His Church to Himself, put down His enemies and introduce His glorious kingdom.
May God in His great goodness bless the study of the subject to those who read the addresses, that they with the writer may be found with "loins girded and lamps burning," "like to men that wait for their Lord." If my reader should alas be one who is only carrying the lamp or torch of profession, may he be convinced, ere it be too late, of the danger of delay and indecision for all who continue to neglect the great salvation which God in His grace has brought so near, and turn away from Him who is still speaking from heaven in accents of love and grace, will assuredly find themselves outside when the Bridegroom comes, and the wise enter in, and the door is shut.
J. S. O. London, April 1899.

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