Choose You This Day (The Importance of Making the Right Decisions) - Part 1 (Baptist Preaching - Ph)

2 years ago

Sunday Morning Preaching on Fundamentals - Part 1 of 2
July 24 2022

Choose You This Day
(The Importance of Making the Right Decisions)
Text: Joshua 24
Obj: that the brethren will choose wisely and not forsake the Lord

Define: will, choosing, decision, urgency
- illustration: sort out the gods of this world vs. the True God

Biblical examples of wise choices:
Ruth 1:16 (true God),
Moses – Hebrews 11:25
Solomon – 1King 3:9 (wisdom),
Mary-(word of God) Luke 10:42
Choose Between Good and Evil – age old item of decision making
Moses and the Levites Exo. 32:26
Deut. 30:19, 1King 18:21 (Elijah)
Call to Decision – Deut. 30:15, Ruth 1:15, Mk. 10:21; John 6:67 – will you also go away?

Pointers in Choosing the Lord and wisely:
1. All Get to Decide for themselves but the Leadership is responsible – vv.1-2
a. Children, elders, learned or not – ALL !
2. Bringing People to the point of Decision is hard but doable – vv. 2-15
a. Use everything at your disposal – use wisdom
b. Stories, factual and biblical specially, are very effective
3. For the Leaders - Be the example – v. 15 – “but as for me and my house”
4. For the Rest and Everybody: Heed the Call to Decide – v. 16-18; 21, 24
a. Choose wisely – Respond Positively
5. Follow up on Our Decisions – vv. 19-20, 22-23
a. Help when we can – teach them how
6. Teach them to be true to the Lord – vv. 25-27
7. Let people live up to their Decision – vv.28-30
a. The right decisions will let those that are after us live well

Let us with choose wisely and NOT forsake the Lord.
Will you choose wisely?

Finale: Ps. 119:173; Micah 4:5
Ps. 119:30 - I have chosen the way of truth: thy judgments have I laid before me

Formerly: Diadem Baptist Bible Church San Mateo Banaba Mission

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