How I Wrote My Best-Selling Book in the Backseat

1 year ago

Do you have dreams that are still waiting to be unleashed? Are dreams buried within your mind and heart longing to be rekindled? In this video, I share my story about how I wrote my best-selling book and the price I paid to succeed. In my darkest moment, I wrote my first book (If You Think You Can!) in the backseat of my car. Suddenly, speaking engagements started flowing. Doors opened all around in what seemed to be overnight. This is the essence of Self-Discipline Motivation through Law of Attraction.

May this video give you hope that your goals and dreams are possible if you never give up! Just because you DON'T see the evidence of your goals right now doesn't mean that the possibility of achieving your dreams doesn't exist. Price Pritchett once said, "Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence." Imagination times Action is a powerful thing. Always believe in yourself and your dreams! And work like your life depends on it!
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