NAMbLA North American Man Boy Love Association by Diane St Laurent 9-15-2022

2 years ago

NAMBLA North American Man Boy Love Association by Diane St Laurent 09-15-2022
“Squeal like a Pig” and “Anywhere, Everywhere and Nowhere” Clips from the movie “Deliverance”
Josef Mengeles “Angel of Death” Genocide Abortionist SS Officer
King Charles and his Pedo connections to Jimmy Saville
Desmond the brain deranged syndrome under MKUltra and Rohypnol
Residential School Victims
Duplessis Orphans Scandal
Doppler Radar Nexrad
Jimmy Saville with the Superman Blazer worked for the BBC and abused children with the help of the Royal Family and other Illuminati Occult Members.
These deviants want to normalize this sick deranged mentality through the radio waves, media, Hollywood Movies, Walt Disney Cartoons and now in our schools. They masked our children for two years like a snuff film and now they are vaccinated with another experimental genocide by the Jew Kikes.
“Street Spirit – Fade Out” by Radiohead
My Satanic Smart City street signs consist of King, Queen, Philip, Duke, St Charles, Princess and Government Street. We just changed Colonization to Memorial so what about the rest of the signs? They go well with the Gay Pride Signs in our Library window, our local Safeway Grocery Store, the windows and lawn of the community living, the Banks and now our schools. Jesuit Jew Kike Agenda in full swing here in this Free Masonic Demonic Smart City of Dryden.

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