How to structure your POWERBUILDING program

2 years ago

killer physique with the brute strength to match…. POWERBUILDING

It doesn't matter what split you decide to run as long as you structure your workouts properly.

Ideally you want to prioritise the POWERLIFTING part of the program as this will be the most demanding in terms of energy. Start your workout with one of the “Big 3” (Squat, Bench, Deadlift)

When performing the Bench, Squat or Deadlift, your reps will be low and intensity (weight shifted) high. As the focus is strength here, rest time between sets will be high too. Your goal is to achieve progress and lift heavier weights as time passes

Then Moving to the BODYBUILDING part of the training. The rest of the workout will be made up of more hypertrophy rep/set ranges. The reps will be higher to allow increase time under tension to develop hypertrophy. Rest times will be reduced to keep fatigue in the musicales high.

One very important things to control and keep an eye out for (and potentially the hardest one to achieve) is RECOVERY. You don’t want the bodybuilding section of the workouts to impede recovery (muscle and CNS) and hinder the powerlifting side of your program.


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►Instagram: @ignacio.badiola

If you like bodybuilding & powerlifting and enjoy IIFYM and full days of eating, calorie challenges and cheat days, you my friend have come to the right place!

#powerbuilding #powerlifting #squat #bench #deadlift

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