My Name Shall Be Great (Serving the Lord with all Zeal and Passion) Part 1 (Baptist Preaching - Ph)

2 years ago

Sunday Morning Preaching on Serving the Lord - Part 1 of 2
September 4 2022

My Name Shall Be Great
(Serving the Lord with all Zeal and Passion)
Text: Malachi 1
Obj: that the brethren will serve the Lord with zeal

Define: zeal, passion, vigor – bible verses zeal
Weariness – v.13 - a complete depletion of energy or strength

Why and How to Serve the Lord with Zeal and Passion:
1. He is Trustworthy – Believe the Lord and His Word - “yet ye say”
a. Vv. 2, 6, 7
i. Faithful God - Deuteronomy 7:9
ii. Trustworthy - Psalms 4:5; 2Samuel 22:31; Psalms 9:10; Psalms 18:30; Psalms 34:8
2. He Loves us – Appreciate His love – v. 2
a. God does not love everybody – ‘hated Esau’ – vv.3-4
b. He also loves the lost souls to be saved
3. He is a Great God – He deserves our Praise and Love and Service
a. V. 5 – magnified – don’t minimize Him
b. V.6 – to be honored as a father and master – don’t despise Him and His Work
c. V.11- Great Name – serve/offer what is due to Him – “pure offering”
i. Not some polluted offering – v.12, 13
ii. Don’t be tired, wearied in serving Him
d. V.14 – Great King
4. He will Punish – serve also with fear!
a. V.10 - do not displease Him, will NOT accept
b. V.14 – curse, dreadful

Let us serve the Lord with zeal and passion for He deserves it!

Discerning Word Baptist Church
Banaba San Mateo Rizal


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