The Importance of Golf Fitness

2 years ago

Physical Therapist & TPI Certified Golf Fitness Coach, Joe Orbaczewski, joins the TrulyFit Podcast to discuss:
-Together we can break down why golf fitness is important
-The movement pattern; looking at the golf swing and what it takes to play the game and what are the muscles that we should be most concerned with, and if that can be from a strength or flexibility standpoint.
-What is he looking for that could be inhibiting power or even ball-striking ability. (i.e. tight lats, weak glutes, etc) while doing an assessment on a client.
-What exercises are staples for any golfer to do regardless of age or ability.
-Does the more likely to use bands and cables machines with clients to mimic movements as opposed to weights.
-Common golf injuries and if they are preventable and through what means.
-Does he recommend becoming TPI certified for those trainers or even golfers who are looking to understand and improve in the area of golf fitness.
-Tips when working on golf fitness for trainers/golfers and common misconceptions.
You can check out more of him here :
IG: @puredrive_golfphysio
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