Harvard & Johns Hopkins Publish Explosive Truth: Scientific Papers PROVE C19 Vaxx Is A Death Shot

2 years ago

Dr. Stella Immanuel joins to expose how California legislation is removing licenses and suing doctors who question the clot shot!

There’s a new draft scientific paper available online. Don’t expect to hear anything about it from the press, even though directly from the supposed “expert” class. Steve Kirsch is a tech entrepreneur who has become one of the top trackers of the mass vaccination fraud. He joins us today to talk about the contents of this paper.

It turns out more than half of the children they’ve tracked who got Covid 19 shots ended up having a “systemic reaction” to them, meaning some sort of response from their entire body rather than just from where they got the shot. And in six percent of cases, the reaction was bad enough that the child wasn’t able to perform normal daily activities. Dr. Paul Alexander was on Trump’s Covid-19 team in 2020, and he joins us today to discuss the tremendous cover-up.

Gab CEO, Andrew Torba joins to expose the backlash he received from the radical left, for his new book "Christian Nationalism - the Biblical Guide on Taking Dominion and Discipling Nations".

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