Ps 90 : 10 -12 with a special message from the book: How to Read the Bible with Feelings.

1 year ago

Psalm 90 is a unique psalm of the whole book of Psalm. It is an important message of comfort and encouragement whenever we will face attack from our spiritual enemies or difficulties in life. This message of Psalm 90:10-12 will be our focus today, and it will lead you to meditate and reflect on this psalm with beautiful worship music and voice-over. Inspirational images will be seen throughout the video as well. Not only that, a special message quote on Psalm 90:10-12 from the book: How to Read the Bible with Feelings on this selected passage will also be introduced to you. The book was written by Bonnio Cheung and is available from the link below. Be sure to hit the subscribe button for further message that will revive your love for God's word as well. Don't forget to get your copy of this newly released book from below now.

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