Have some Rum, have a little or have a lot.

1 year ago

#TeamTrump #Rum #CFVI #RumbleApp #Viralshorts. Guys/Gals. I need help creating more of these memes dealing with RUM for when ticker RUM does change from the old ticker CFVI. Create a cool, funny meme all while being a part of this once-in-a lifetime chance to be a part of something not found and never before found within the stockmarket . That’s FreeSpeech and that’s what our boy Trump tried to do w/ TruthSocial and the DWAC SPAC. Well here is our opportunity. This is for the people worldwide who are just sick and tired the way they have been treated and cheated for so long by the ignorance and the utter arrogance of the American Democratic system and the Democratic system put in place all over the world by 12 family bloodlines and their little friends . Fuck those guys! When I say “Fuck”… you say “those guys”! We need to and we will, and we finally have the opportunity to stand the fuck up for what’s rightfully ours and get our money ! Who’s with me? Also I have 2 different memes on TikTok @ Wretched_Downfall666. Thank you for all your support. Like , comment and subscribe to my channel. I’m with CFVI (RUM) for the long , long , long haul. I will add, but never subtract. This is to all the people 🍹🍻🥂

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