Not Sorry Show: 09152022

Streamed on:

What is between Alex Jones, Tucker and Reddit?....
Well, ... If a spicy, funny, truth bomb Meme was a show, this would be it.
LIVE - 9pm Eastern

Main show source: now
and streaming on (always the top link on the page when live)


--- Conservative gay marriage power couple run the Gateway Pundit now. Even conservatives that get woke go broke. How old was the Philipino houseboy when they met? No comment.
--- In a stunning blow for secret tax imposition fans, a town votes to dissolve and be part of other towns rather than allow taxation without representation.
--- Biden tries to get gun registration by going around Congress to the credit card companies. Constitution fans have a problem with this.
--- 'Illegals for thee, but not for me' seems to be Kamala's position. So much for doing the job of border czar.
--- National Security head goes all Sgt. Schultz when asked about Chinese surveillance of US miltary bases. Honk!

*** Phil Bromley hosts.

*** 5pyhun73r produces and has a Digital Battlefront, subject: believe the narrative or be an enemy of the State.

Comments from: Demon 26, Shades and Barbarian

Fresh Spaghetti on the Wall

Recorded in front of a live studio Ostrich
Free CHEEZITS and Iced Tea provided, BYOB!

also: George and Modesty do the Notsorry Show Mornings currently twice a week
Mondays and Fridays, 8pm ET. Tune in for 40m or so of fun times!

Gab: @Ravicrux @Phillip_Bromley @GeorgeAngus @5PY_HUN73R @DemsFearTruth @tiwake @BattleDwarfGimli

NotSorryShow Super-Secret group

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Even a buck or two helps... ***

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