Sigmund Freud was a fraud

1 year ago

The Pedophile Propagandist Roots lead back to Sigmund Freud! The sickening Netflix story of mind control!

Sigismund (Sigmund) Schlomo Freud (1856-1939) has been rated as the sixth most influential scientist in world history. Medical historian Elizabeth M. Thornton writes: “Probably no single individual has had a more profound effect on 20th-century thought than Sigmund Freud.”

Sigmund Freud was a scientific fraud. American attorney and political commentator Ben Shapiro writes:

The first serious advocate of the position that human beings were no longer rational, free actors came from Sigmund Freud (1856-1939). Freud was a charlatan, a phenomenal publicist but a devastatingly terrible practicing psychologist. He was a quack who routinely prescribed measures damaging to patients, then wrote fictional papers bragging about his phenomenal results. In one 1896 lecture, he claimed that by uncovering childhood sexual trauma he had healed some 18 patients; he later admitted he hadn’t cured anyone. Freud himself stated, “I am actually not at all a man of science, not an observer, not an experimenter, not a thinker. I am by temperament nothing but a conquistador—an adventurer, if you want it translated—with all the curiosity, daring and tenacity characteristic of a man of this sort.”

Dr. David Duke writes that a good portion of a Philosophy 101 course he took at Louisiana State University centered on Sigmund Freud. Duke aptly states: “I liked to call him Sigmund Fraud.”

Most of his theories are total rubbish. You can go and read about them. He just made up nonsense stories and put them up as theories. A lunatic like him should’ve been avoided.

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