Amazing facts about Avocado !

1 year ago

Amazing facts about Avocado!
5 Facts about Avocado
facts about Avocado

#facts #5facts #crazyfacts #avocado

Fact 1-The name ‘avocado’ originated from the Aztec word ‘ahuacatl,’ which means ‘testicle.’
Fact 2-Other terms used for avocado are ‘alligator pear,’ ‘butter pear,’ ‘vegetable butter,’ and
‘midshipman’s butter.’
Fact 3-Within an avocado is its edible part characterized by light-green creamy flesh that is not sweet.
Fact 4-Avocado is the lone edible fruit in the laurel family, Lauraceae.
Fact 5-Above 95% of the avocado supply in the U.S. comes from Southern California where it stands as
the state fruit.

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